After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife Chapter 4 by GloryWrites - Read ANYTIME NOVEL (2024)

“I am telling you she is coming in today,” a man in a black striped suit whispers urgently as he briskly passes the reception desk at Johnson and Associates Law Firm.

“There is no way. She hasn’t been in for over three years. Why today?” the woman seated at the reception desk whispers.

Another woman, with an air of curiosity, approaches the desk and leans in, her voice hushed. “I heard she had a major something happen, which is why she is returning.”

“Well, I heard that major something is that she lost a lot of money in some sort of deal,” the man murmurs back, sharing the gossip.

At that precise moment, the sleek chrome doors of the elevator swish open, revealing Sophia Johnson stepping out with an air of confidence. Her face remains impassive and composed as she looks discerning at the employees gathered around the reception desk.

“Yes, I’m back,” she remarks, her words seeping with authority. The employees quickly disperse, sensing the power that emanates from her presence. Sophia strides purposefully towards the desk, her footsteps echoing through the room.

Sophia gives the receptionist a warm smile, her expression suggesting that the past three years had faded away like a distant memory. “I’m heading to my office,” she states, confident and resolute.

In her office, Sophia takes a moment to inhale deeply, allowing the familiarity of her surroundings to wash over her. Everything appears exactly as she left it. Settling into her plush leather chair, she powers up her computer, ready to restart her life.

“Ms. Johnson,” Trevor, an office assistant, announces as he opens the door, his voice filled with genuine joy but also with a hint of anxiety. “Welcome back. Your absence has been too long.”

Motioning for Trevor to take a seat on the exquisite West Elm sofa, a cherished heirloom from her grandfather, Sophia joins him.

“So, what did I miss?” Sophia chuckles, positioning herself beside Trevor. She is genuinely pleased to see him still working at her law firm. Sophia always appreciated Trevor’s source of humor and impeccable fashion sense.

“Well, there’s actually something,” Trevor begins, his tone becoming more serious. “We’ve been presented with a challenging case that has stumped the other partners.”

“Excellent! I thrive on problems that only I can solve,” Sophia interjects, a mischievous twinkle dancing in her eyes.

“The case involves a company’s shares that someone transferred under suspicious circ*mstances, and the board of directors is facing an impending change of ownership. The company’s chairman, who needs to testify against the share transfer, has fallen seriously ill,” Trevor explains, passing the papers of the brief to Sophia.

Sophia takes a moment to peruse the documents, her face betraying no sign of the complexity before her. She takes a deep breath, her mind racing with possibilities, and gazes at Trevor. “How grave is the chairman’s condition?”

“It’s quite serious. I believe it’s cancer. Our investigation shows that he’s nearly lost his ability to speak,” Trevor replies.

Sophia’s brow furrows briefly before a spark of inspiration ignites within her. “What about the client’s share transfer contract? If we can obtain it, we can compare the handwriting. Discrepancies would provide the evidence we need to prove the illegal nature of the trade. Get John on the line.”

Trevor swiftly dials the extension for one of the law firm’s partners. The phone rings once before a familiar voice emanates from the speaker. “Sophia? Are you back? I must admit, I was surprised to see your name on the caller ID.”

“I’m back, John, and already diving into the depths of it,” Sophia responds. “Have you reviewed the briefing on the illegal share transfer that Trevor just shared with me?”

The partner quickly responds, his voice filled with uncertainty. “Honestly, Sophia, I’m at a loss on how to proceed. If anyone can get a handle on it, it is you!!”

“Well, what about the client’s share transfer contract? I’d like to take a look at it. We can examine the handwriting and see if it matches,” Sophia suggests over the speakerphone.

“That’s a brilliant idea, Sophia,” John acknowledges.

“But,” John continues, “the opposing party has taken the contract. We have no means to retrieve it. The fact of the matter is that if this persists, the company will fall victim to a hostile takeover.”

Sophia’s expression hardens, her resolve solidifying. “That is indeed a problem. We cannot allow a larger corporation to interfere.”

Trevor interjects urgently, “Sophia. We need to act swiftly; time is running out.”

At that same moment, a deep and chilling voice resonates from the doorway, capturing Trevor and Sophia’s attention. Both of them swiftly turn their heads to behold a tall and strikingly handsome man emanating an air of cold power. The man announces, “I can intervene in this malicious acquisition case, but I need your help with something.”

Reacting swiftly, Trevor scribbles a name on a piece of paper placed in front of Sophia. It reads, ALEXANDER STONE??? Sophia glances down at the note and nods subtly.

However, a frown creases on her forehead as she contemplates the unexpected presence of Alexander. What in the world is he doing here? She ponders, her thoughts filled with agitation.

“Mr. Stone, I presume,” Sophia says, rising from her chair and approaching him. “Is there something you require? I don’t recall scheduling an appointment with you.” Her piercing blue eyes lock firmly with his crystal green gaze.

“As I said, I can help you with your case, but I need something from you first,” Alexander states as he confidently strides into the office. Trevor was taken aback by his audacious demeanor and presumptuous attitude.

Sophia responds with a tight smile, her tone betraying her irritated feelings. “I highly doubt we are in need of your assistance, Mr. Stone.”

“I beg to differ, Ms. Johnson. However, I don’t intend to discuss it here and now. I wanted to extend a personal invitation to my company’s 20th-anniversary banquet. Given that your firm has been a steadfast ally of mine, I thought it would be fitting to invite you personally. We can discuss matters further there,” Alexander explains, presenting Sophia with an exquisite invitation.

Sophia opens the invitation, her mind racing. My ex-husband, whom I haven’t laid eyes on in three years, is extending an invitation to me? she contemplates, a whirlwind of thoughts clouding her mind. This man doesn’t even recognize me. He has no idea. And he believes HE can offer ME help? That is a joke! Sophia quickly starts to evaluate her options.

As Sophia reads the invitation, a new idea begins to form. Looking back up at Alexander, Sophia softens her expression, adopting a gentler tone as she responds, “I’m afraid I must decline, Mr. Stone.”

Alexander’s face turns bleak.

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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife Chapter 4 by GloryWrites - Read ANYTIME NOVEL (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.